Why Weight and Looks Don’t Matter.

A big problem that our society has created is the unrealistic standards of beauty. That only certain girls are considered “pretty” because they weigh 100 pounds and just happen to be considered more attractive than others, or a guy that’s tall and has a 6-pack and chiseled jawline is immediately “hot”.

It’s all just wrong.

Now I’m not saying you aren’t beautiful if you look like that, but the moment that they become considered better than anyone else, that’s when we have a problem. No one, and I mean no one, under these types of circumstances is better than anyone else.

We all have different body types. Some are naturally bigger than others, but that doesn’t mean that they are ugly. These people just have more curves, and curves are believed to be attractive. Now weighing too much can still be an issue because of health problems, but you still don’t have to feel bad about how you look. You look amazing the way you are, and some day, someone is going to see that and love you no matter what. Attractiveness is all about personal preference, so why do we force our own personal preferences on someone else?

When someone says that they only like people with blonde hair, or blue eyes, or won’t date someone unless that person is taller than them, it baffles me. These people could be rejecting a person that is absolutely perfect for them just because they don’t have the right hair color to fit their preference. Having a preference is fine, but if you won’t even give anyone else a chance, then it isn’t right. People should be falling in love with others for their personality, not their looks.

These days, the word ‘fat’ has become an insult. It probably always was, but that’s not the point. The point is that it shouldn’t be. That word is just describing a different body type. It’d be like pointing at a girl who is 6 feet tall and saying, “You’re so tall! It’s gross! Ha ha ha ha.” It makes no sense, right? The word is only describing a body type, just as the word ‘skinny’ does.

Another thing that I’d like to cover is more directed toward teens, but really can be anyone. Acne. Acne is a completely normal thing, yet we’ve decided it isn’t attractive. Some people get more acne than others, and that’s okay. It doesn’t make them less attractive because of it. I happen to get much more acne, and I’m slowly starting to realize that it really doesn’t matter because a lot of people are going through the same thing. I admit it doesn’t seem like an ideal time, but it’s okay even if you don’t like it because more often than not it will go away.

Moral of the story, it doesn’t matter how you look. Whether you are skinny or not, tall or short, blonde or brunette, you are still absolutely amazing. Your whole being is beautiful in every single way. Someone out there is going to love all of the being you are for what you are. You can do what ever you please and no one can stop you because you’re too precious to be tied down to something you don’t love.